Friday, June 29, 2007

Seth's 3rd Birthday

Seth had his 3rd birthday party today. He got a ton of cool stuff, but the top present was his replica of the NASA space shuttle Endeavor (which can be seen in the picture to the left.)

Seth did very well with the whole party thing, knowing all the expected traditions; opening the presents, blowing out the candles, and of course eating cake!

Here are pictures of the party.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Standing in my Shoes

This was just to cute for me to wait till I had more pictures to upload. Seth decided to try and wear my shoes this morning, and I happened to have the camera close by!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

It's a boy???

Megan and I went to our first ultrasound last week. It is amazing how much the technology has changed in just three years. We were amazed when right before our eyes we were able to see a 3D image of our new son (we won't be positive of the gender for a few more weeks, but the ultrasound tech was fairly confident in her assessment.)

It looks like the due date is now going to be December 1st. If this pregnancy is anything like the last one, it will be more like a Halloween baby then a thanksgiving baby (Megan was a full month early last time.)

You can view some pictures of the ultrasound, or view the short video I created below.

First Ultrasound 6/2007