Saturday, March 14, 2009

2009 Summer Fun

We have had some crazy weather during the past few weeks. Two weeks ago we had snow, last week it was in the 80's! During the heat wave we took Seth and Nick out and had them wash the cars. Seth stuck with it for about 30 minutes. He especially liked the part where he got to squirt down the car, and me! 

I have been working with Seth daily on his baseball skills. He is getting extremly good at batting. We mave have a major leagure on our hands! Thatcher is quickly coming up to speed with sports as well. He has been playing catch with me for a few weeks now. Of course I need to be about three inches away from him to be able to catch it, but it is a start!

Enjoy the pictures we took!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Seth and Thatcher - Winter 2009

We finally got our annual snow fall today! This was Thatcher's first snow and he loved it! Seth, Thatcher and Nick all went out to play today and they got to throw snowballs and eat snow! It is amazing how much Georgia has thinned my blood. I remember when I could go outside in the snow in shorts and a t-shirt and not be phased. Today I could only stand about 15 minutes of it. Thatcher however was a trooper. Even with snow up his pant legs he was stomping around having fun!

I have added a few pictures that shows what we have been doing over the past few months! I also made a short video of Seth and Thatcher playing with some bubbles! Enjoy.