Friday, December 4, 2009

Air Shows, Halloween, Thatcher's Birthday and Thanksgiving

I know I am starting to sound like a broken record by now, but I am still amazed at how little computer time I have had this past year. During the week I am doing 60+ hours and on the weekend I am in "Kid Mode" and spend all my free time interacting with the family. On the plus side I was able to get a bunch of pictures over the past few months.

Since our last post we have seen two air shows, Halloween, Thatcher turned 2, and Thanksgiving. Thatcher is getting bigger by the minute. He is starting to say more words, yesterday Megan asked him to come to him and he said "OK". Thatcher is also now able to get out of his crib whenever he wants, so life has gotten a little more complicated. Megan found a really cool tent that you can add to the crib that make it impossible for Thatcher to get out, but I am sure he will find a way!

Seth is doing excellent in kindergarten. He can read about 50 words, knows his alphabet and numbers and is constantly asking questions. The big news is that he can now swim! Seth and I have been spending 3-5 hours a week at the YMCA working on his swimming and he is now doing it all. He can swim on his back, with his face in the water, and as recently as this week he is now jumping off the edge of the pool! We are very proud of him.

Enjoy the pictures!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Seth's 5th Birthday

It has been a hectic past few months. I have had only a few minutes each weekend to do anything on the computer so I haven't had much time to compose the normal video and picture upload that I do. I do have about 30 minutes of un-edited video that I need to go through but that will have to wait a few more weeks.

Seth had his 5th birthday (click here to view the pictures) this year. As usual he got a ton of airplanes toys. He is really big into rubber band airplanes right now. Although he is getting picky. The airplanes must have landing gears so that he can do take-offs and landings. If they don't have em, he doesn't want em. He has also gotten me into model aiplane building as well. Right now we are at the balsa wood rubber band stage, but I am expecting to go to the R/C level soon.

Seth started kindergarten a few weeks ago. The school is much more advanced than I expected it to be. I am in constant contact with the teacher via email and they have a computer lab the kids get to use each week. On his first day of school the teacher assigned him homework! The teacher told us that kindergarten is now like what first grade was for us.

We recently got a YMCA membership so that the kids and I could go swimming. Thatcher really loves it, and Seth is warming up to it. He loves swimming with me, but doesn't like putting his head under water. We get about 4 hours a week which is good for me since I don't get much exercise these days.

Enjoy these random summer pictures and look for my video upload soon.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Seth has graduated Pre-K

Seth has gradautated Pre-K! I thought I would upload this picture so you could see how cute he was.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Air Museum, Easter, Fishing, and Flowers

As the weather starts to warm up, we are staring to get more active again. Since our last blog entry we have gone to the Georgia Air Museum, celebrated Easter, taught Seth how to fish, attempt karate, and even allowed him to explore his green thumb.

Thatcher is also more active now. He is climbing all over everything. I came downstairs from working the other day to find Thatcher sitting on top of our living room coffee table watching TV. He also likes to climb the stairs, but not like normal kids. We have the stairs gated off, so Thatcher has decided to climb the SIDE of the stairs, by holding onto the railing. We caught him about 4 feet up a few weeks ago. Thatcher is also starting to get more vocal. I expect a few words to be uttering out of his mouth very soon (I am hoping for Daddy!)

Seth continues to do well in school, with only a month left before summer break. Megan and I are looking into kindergartens for Seth since next week is registration. PTO here we come!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

2009 Summer Fun

We have had some crazy weather during the past few weeks. Two weeks ago we had snow, last week it was in the 80's! During the heat wave we took Seth and Nick out and had them wash the cars. Seth stuck with it for about 30 minutes. He especially liked the part where he got to squirt down the car, and me! 

I have been working with Seth daily on his baseball skills. He is getting extremly good at batting. We mave have a major leagure on our hands! Thatcher is quickly coming up to speed with sports as well. He has been playing catch with me for a few weeks now. Of course I need to be about three inches away from him to be able to catch it, but it is a start!

Enjoy the pictures we took!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Seth and Thatcher - Winter 2009

We finally got our annual snow fall today! This was Thatcher's first snow and he loved it! Seth, Thatcher and Nick all went out to play today and they got to throw snowballs and eat snow! It is amazing how much Georgia has thinned my blood. I remember when I could go outside in the snow in shorts and a t-shirt and not be phased. Today I could only stand about 15 minutes of it. Thatcher however was a trooper. Even with snow up his pant legs he was stomping around having fun!

I have added a few pictures that shows what we have been doing over the past few months! I also made a short video of Seth and Thatcher playing with some bubbles! Enjoy.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Happy New Year! A lot has happened since we last posted to this blog. The biggest news is that Thatcher is walking now! Now that he is walking he loves to get into all sorts of things. Currently his favorite past time is to walk over to the remote control draw (yes I have a draw dedicated to remote controls...) of our entertainment center, open it up, pick out a remote control and eat it. Thatcher must have very acidic saliva because anything he "eats" stops working shortly after. One of the bigger profile victims was my cell phone! 

I got to spend a lot of time with the family in December. I took three weeks off of work. Seth and Thatcher got a lot of play time with me. Seth and I even took a road trip up to Pinehurst, NC to visit his great grandparents. We got to sleep overnight in a hotel (which he loved.) Seth is now old enough for travel, now all we need to do is get Thatcher there and we may be able to start visiting relatives again! WOO HOO!  I took some  Pictures of the family over the holidays that I think you will enjoy. I also made a short video of Thatcher walking, and Seth making a fruit cake. Enjoy!