Friday, December 4, 2009

Air Shows, Halloween, Thatcher's Birthday and Thanksgiving

I know I am starting to sound like a broken record by now, but I am still amazed at how little computer time I have had this past year. During the week I am doing 60+ hours and on the weekend I am in "Kid Mode" and spend all my free time interacting with the family. On the plus side I was able to get a bunch of pictures over the past few months.

Since our last post we have seen two air shows, Halloween, Thatcher turned 2, and Thanksgiving. Thatcher is getting bigger by the minute. He is starting to say more words, yesterday Megan asked him to come to him and he said "OK". Thatcher is also now able to get out of his crib whenever he wants, so life has gotten a little more complicated. Megan found a really cool tent that you can add to the crib that make it impossible for Thatcher to get out, but I am sure he will find a way!

Seth is doing excellent in kindergarten. He can read about 50 words, knows his alphabet and numbers and is constantly asking questions. The big news is that he can now swim! Seth and I have been spending 3-5 hours a week at the YMCA working on his swimming and he is now doing it all. He can swim on his back, with his face in the water, and as recently as this week he is now jumping off the edge of the pool! We are very proud of him.

Enjoy the pictures!