Friday, January 9, 2009

Happy New Year! A lot has happened since we last posted to this blog. The biggest news is that Thatcher is walking now! Now that he is walking he loves to get into all sorts of things. Currently his favorite past time is to walk over to the remote control draw (yes I have a draw dedicated to remote controls...) of our entertainment center, open it up, pick out a remote control and eat it. Thatcher must have very acidic saliva because anything he "eats" stops working shortly after. One of the bigger profile victims was my cell phone! 

I got to spend a lot of time with the family in December. I took three weeks off of work. Seth and Thatcher got a lot of play time with me. Seth and I even took a road trip up to Pinehurst, NC to visit his great grandparents. We got to sleep overnight in a hotel (which he loved.) Seth is now old enough for travel, now all we need to do is get Thatcher there and we may be able to start visiting relatives again! WOO HOO!  I took some  Pictures of the family over the holidays that I think you will enjoy. I also made a short video of Thatcher walking, and Seth making a fruit cake. Enjoy!